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A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings by Gabriel Garcia Marquez Summary |Class 12 English Book

 A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings by Gabriel Garcia Marquez Summary 

About the Author: Gabriel Garcia Marque

Gabriel Garcia Marquez (1927-2014) was a Colombian-born Spanish American  novelist, short storey writer, and journalist. He is known as the literary volcano of  the 1960s and a proponent of a new storytelling style known as magical realism.  One Hundred Years of Solitude (1967), his novel, is regarded as a classic example  of magical realism. Marquez is one of the best novelists in the world, and possibly  the best in Spanish literature. Gabriel Garcia Marquez and magical realism are  synonymous for many readers. Magical Realism is a narrative mode in which the 

real and fantastic, natural and supernatural, are represented in equivalence. No  One Writes to the Colonel (1961), Love in the Time of Cholera (1985), and  Memories of My Melancholy Whores (2004) are among Marquez’s other best known novels. In 1955, the story ‘A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings’ was  published for the first time. 


The Angel/The Old Man: Pelayo discovers an elderly guy with gigantic wings  resting in the mud of the courtyard, and he and his wife imprison him in a chicken  coop. Not only does the old guy have wings, but he also talks in a dialect that no  one understands. 

Pelayo: Pelayo, Elisenda’s husband, discovers the old guy with wings lying in the  mud. He makes a lot of money by exhibiting the old guy, and then he constructs a  big building with a rabbit warren. 

Elisenda: Pelayo’s wife is the one who comes up with the idea of charging an  entry fee to visit him to make a lot of money after seeing the crowd. 

The Child: Pelayo’s child is sick when Pelayo finds the old guy, but his fever comes  down through the night. When the angel is no longer a carnival attraction, the  child occasionally plays with him in the chicken coop. 

Neighbour Woman: The neighbors woman knows everything there is to know  about life and death, and she claims that the elderly guy is an angel who was  probably on his way to save their ill kid when he was pushed down from the sky  by the rain. 

Father Gonzaga: Before becoming a priest, Father Gonzaga worked as a  woodcutter. His perspective on the old man differs from that of the neighbour  woman. He advises the crowd to treat the angel kindly and with dignity, even if he  doubts him. 

The Spider-Girl: The spider girl is the woman that transforms into a spider. She’s a  carnival attraction. She was once a young maid, but one night she fled from her  house to dance, and when she returned home, a lightning bolt of brimstone  transformed her into a large spider known as a giant tarantula. She ate the  meatballs thrown at her by the audience.

Main Summary: 

A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings by Gabriel Garcia Marquez narrates the  story of Pelayo and his wife Elisenda, who discover an old man with wings in their  courtyard after killing crabs in a rainstorm. 

Pelayo, a poor fisherman, discovers a homeless, disoriented old man with  incredibly huge wings in his courtyard. The old man speaks in an unfamiliar  language. As a result, he and his wife speak with him in vain. Pelayo and his wife,  Elisenda, believe after consulting a neighbour woman that the old guy must be an  angel that attempted to come to take their sick child to heaven. The neighbour  woman advises Pelayo to club the angel to death. And they lock the angel in the  chicken coop, and their child’s fever breaks in the middle of the night. As a result,  Pelayo and Elisenda feel sorry for their visitor. 

The local priest, Father Gonzaga, tells the people that the old man is most likely a  fake angel because he is shabby and does not speak Latin. Father Gonzaga  decides to seek advice from his bishop. He promises to obtain the true truth from  the church’s higher authorities. The news of the angel travels like wildfire, and the  courtyard quickly takes on the appearance of a marketplace. Elisenda then comes  up with the brilliant idea of charging a 5 cent entrance fee to visit the angel; they  become rich very quickly. The old man mostly ignores the crowd, even when they  pull his feathers and throw stones at him to get him to stand. When the visitors  sear him with a branding iron to determine if he’s still alive, he becomes angry. 

Rome takes its time determining whether or not the old guy is an angel, and while  waiting for their decision, Father Gonzaga works tirelessly to keep the crowd  under control. 

When a travelling freak show featuring a Spider-Girl arrives in the village, the  crowd begins to disperse. Spectators are permitted to question her, and she tells  them how she was transformed into a tarantula one night for disrespecting her  parents. This is more appealing to the general public than an old winged man who  ignores the people around him. As a result, the curious crowds immediately  ignore the angel in favour of the spider, leaving Pelayo’s courtyard empty. The sad  story of the spider woman is so well-known that people quickly forget about the  old guy, who had only performed a few meaningless semi-miracles for his  pilgrims.

Despite this, Pelayo and Elisenda have become very wealthy as a result of the  admittance fees Elisenda has imposed. Pelayo quits his work and begins  construction on a new, larger home. As the small boy grows older, the elderly  man stays with them for several years, living in the chicken coop. 

They ignore the angel and keep their kid away from the chicken coop. He quickly  becomes a part of their lives, and they begin to accept him. The child pays him  frequent visits. When the chicken coop falls, the old guy goes into the adjacent  shed, but he frequently wanders from room to room inside the home, which  annoys Elisenda. 

He becomes increasingly weak and sick, and they believe he will die. But he  quickly recovers. His feathers regrow, and he starts singing sea chanteys (sailors’  songs) to himself at night. Elisenda watches as the elderly man extends his wings  and flies off into the air, and to her relief, he disappears beyond the horizon. 

To conclude, the old man appears as an eponymous (wrongly titled) persona who  appears in a family’s backyard on a stormy night. It also shows the combination of  reality and illusion – a story that appears real yet contains elements of  imagination. 

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