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A Devoted Son by Anita Desai Summary |Class12 English Note

A Devoted Son by Anita Desai Summary |Class 12 English

Chapter 3 |English Book

About Author

The story "A Devoted Son" is written by Anita Desai, an Indian Novelist and writer. After completing her B.A. from a university in Delhi she began to publish her stories and novels. She received 'Sahitya Academy Award' for her story, 'fire on a mountain' , her novel, 'in custody' was adapted on a movie.


  • Rakesh: He is the son of Varma who is a well behaved and duteous son. He is a brilliant student who  becomes a doctor and has an opportunity to continue his practice and education in the USA. He is the  son of a kerosene vendor Varma. In his father’s old age, he supervises every bit of food his father eats  and medicates him for every little complaint. 
  • Veena: She is a simple and fat Indian girl married to Rakesh by the wish of his mother who is very loyal  and dutiful by nature. She follows Rakesh’s orders regarding his father’s diet. 
  • Varma: He works as an oil seller at Depoand he is the father of Rakesh who hardly educates his son and  has pride over his son’s achievement. But later he finds his son as a tyrant as he cuts his foodstuffs. 
  • Bhatia: He is an old neighbour of Rakesh and a friend of Varma who participates in Rakesh’s family  conversation and activities. He lives next door and often joins Varma to sit outside and complain about  the hardships that the two of them are facing. 
  • Varma’s wife: She is an unnamed lady who dies later, which leads to his unhappiness, and made him  sick. 
  • Rakesh’s children: They are unnamed children who pass time and play with grandfather as well. Varma  is briefly able to convince one of them to sneak him extra food. 

Short Summary: 

Anita Desai is a well-known Indian author. She has written several English-language novels. Almost every  story she writes is about everyday Indian life and individuals. A Devoted Son is a short story about a  father and son’s bond. 
The story revolves around Dr Rakesh. He’s from a poor Indian village. Varma, his father, was a vegetable  vendor. His father wished for a well-educated son. Rakesh is the first member of his family to attend  college. Rakesh completed his medical exams with the highest marks in the country, which is a cause for  celebration. Varma informs everyone who would listen about Rakesh’s grades and how he can now go 
to medical school in America. Some people are frightened that Rakesh would forget his roots. Varma is  unconcerned about this and is pleased that everyone knows his son’s name. 
Rakesh spends a significant amount of time in America to complete his degree; he successfully  completes the degree and has job offers from major US hospitals. The awards he receives are returned  to his family for them to admire and preserve. This allows him to stay in touch with his family. He adores  America, but he adores his family more, and he has always intended to come home. He’ll return as soon  as he’s gained enough experience and money. He intended to work in his hometown. His parents  disagree with some of his life choices, such as why he wants to return home and why he marries a local  girl with little schooling. Varma believes he should have higher ambitions.
Later, he begins working in a city hospital, which differs from the American hospitals he had previously  worked in. He wants to work there because he wants to make a difference in his community. He rises  quickly through the ranks and eventually becomes director. When his mother dies, his father, Varma, is  heartbroken. Rakesh no longer has as much time to devote to Varma now that he has his own family. He  does not want to lose his father any time soon, so he applies his medical expertise.  
He forbids Varma from eating sweets to help him with his stomach. Varma tries to get sweets from his  grandson, which frustrates Rakesh. Rakesh wants his son to have a positive relationship with Varma, just  like Rakesh does. Varma tells Rakesh and his wife that he dislikes them, but he still keeps an eye out for  Varma. Rakesh finally lets Varma leave, knowing that he has done everything he can for Varma. 

Main Summary: 

Anita Desai’s “A Devoted Son” is a story of complicated familial bonds which highlights the change of  dynamics in the relationship between the father, Varma and his son, Dr Rakesh. It is all about the duty  and devotion that the son, Rakesh has for his parents. The son is brought up by his father, starts earning  his livelihood and then, dutifully looks after his father. However, a crisis develops as his father,  whimsical due to age, starts misinterpreting his son’s treatment. 

Rakesh was a son born to illiterate parents. His father, Varma, worked as a kerosene vendor and spent  many years dreaming of having an educated son. Rakesh was the first to receive education in his  generation and he managed it very well. Villagers felt proud as Rakesh scored the highest rank (flying  colours) in the country for his Medical Examination. His father had a party where presents flowed into  Varmaji’s house as garlands, halwa, party clothes and fountain pens, even a watch or two. Having won a  scholarship, Rakesh went to the USA (Varmaji didn’t know the difference between the USA and  America), where he worked in some most prestigious hospitals in the USA. Although Rakesh loved  America, he loves his family more and therefore, he returned to his village with much money, touched  his father’s feet which was a matter of pride for the kerosene vendor. He married an Indian girl and  removed all the doubts of the villagers to marry a foreigner. But he married an uneducated girl of their  choice. The girl too was good-natured and they were soon blessed with a son. 

Rakesh’s rise continued and he soon went to the top of the administrative organization, the position of  the Director of the city hospital, bought a car and then, he opened a private clinic as well. It was the  beginning of his fortune. However, he took good care of his parents. Though he was in top position with  his name and fame, he obeyed his parents, humoured his wife, hosted his friends, and in addition, was  an excellent doctor. 

However, Rakesh’s joyride was short-lived as his mother passed away which led his father physically and  mentally weak and sick. The birthday party of his son was broken when he knew his father was on the  verge of death. Then, he changes his schedule and he brought his father’s morning tea, read the  newspapers and visited his father after returning from the clinic. Al these couldn’t make the father  happy and even the situation worsened as Rakesh started to supervise his father diet or food by cutting  down on oily fried food and sweets which made his father worried as he took these all treatment of his  son as disrespect, strictness, and mal-treatment. His father complained to his neighbours that Rakesh  was strict regarding his health. The old man even bribed his grandson and took sweets of him.

The father-son relationship went haywire. The old man began to hate his son and his daughter-in-law.  The wife of Rakesh stayed out of trouble tactfully and Rakesh also took everything incorrect way. His  several attempts to improve his father’s mental and physical health went into vain. Determined, Varmaji  announced that he didn’t need his son’s medicines. All that he wished was death. 

Above all, old age is cyclic and all of us would step into its shoes one day. It is also called the second  childhood. Because of this, Rakesh’s father behaved in such a way. The remembrance of this fact can  wake us up to the reality of this life. Rakesh, despite everything else, understood this, which made him  stand apart and above the rest.

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